Brad Matthews — Master Collection — Тратьте больше времени на приключения и меньше времени на редактирование. Присоединяйтесь к тысячам других фотографов и поднимите свои фотографии на новый уровень уже сегодня.
What’s Included?
- Adventure Collective Preset Pack: 9 presets + Exclusive editing tutorial (£44.99)
- Adventure Collective Expansion Pack: 9 presets (£19.99)
- Black & White Preset Pack: 10 presets (£19.99)
- Lifestyle Preset Pack: 16 Presets (£34.99)
- Bonus Preset Pack: 8 presets Only Available Inside The Master Collection (£19.99)
- Tool Kit for Lightroom Classic: 25 effects and parameter adjustments (Grain, Sharpening, Vignette, DeHaze) (£9.99)
- Exclusive Editing Tutorial
- Access To Private Facebook Community
- 24 RAW Images For Practice
- Desktop & Mobile Files Included with Import Guide
- Download To Your Computer Or Phone Instantly
- Lifetime Updates
Why Choose Matthews Presets?
«I have spent years perfecting my own style, creating and refining a set of presets that would work on all my images in just a few clicks — Whether I’m editing a commercial shoot or creating an epic feed for Instagram. Now, they are available to you!
Use these presets as a filter, or a solid foundation to create your own style. Not only will they save time editing in Lightroom, but provide the stunning finish your photos deserve!
All that’s usually needed is a quick adjustment to the white balance and exposure, to tune the look of the preset to your photos.»
— Brad Matthews
Technical Information
Please note, the desktop presets included are xmp files and will require the Creative Cloud version of Lightroom. Mobile files are included in each pack and can be imported to both Lightroom CC (desktop) and Lightroom Mobile, as well as older versions of Lightroom. Import guide included.
Brad Matthews — Master Collection
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