Эксклюзивный контент — Это контент с зарубежных платных сайтов, на которых контент можно получить только оплатив подписку сайта. Также с закрытых форумах по видеомонтажу , где можно получить только инвайт за разные заслуги.
Почему он эксклюзивный ? — Данный контент практически не возможно скачать бесплатно через нормальный файлообменник.
Exclusive Content — This is content from foreign paid sites, where content can only be obtained by paying for a site subscription. Also from closed video editing forums, where you can get only invite for various services.
Why is it exclusive ? — This content is almost impossible to download for free via a normal file sharing service.

Instagram Opener Pack — Отлично подходит для личных проектов и рекламы в социальных сетях для влиятельных лиц или компаний, продвигающих свой последний продукт или услугу в Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat и других социальных сетях.
The Pack of Vertical Openers for your Social Media.
Create Social Media video with Instagram Opener Pack.
Professionally designed and animated, this is THE project for impressive Instagram-style videos for social media! Great for personal projects and social media advertising for influencers or companies promoting their latest product or service on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and other social media platforms.
Very easy to use interface! Simply choose your aspect ratio, add in your images and text, and upload to your channels or accounts in minutes!
Download and start impressing your audience today!
Video help file is included, check it on YouTube.
Why you’ll love Instagram Opener Pack:
- Instagram Opener Pack is powerful, intuitive and easy to use;
- Instagram Opener Pack is perfect for personal use or for all your social media advertising projects, including on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and other social media platforms;
- Each slideshow includes handy guidelines so you can position your content exactly right without having to go back and forth;
- Video help is included, making it even easier for you to get started and go;
Choose from three different sizes:
Whatever platform you’re using, Instagram Opener Pack makes it easy to create a flawless video that fits perfectly. Every opener includes various size options, including:
- Portrait Opener – Best size to cover all visible part of the Instagram feed.
- Square Opener – The optimal size for phone and computer screen.
- Story Opener – The most popular case on Instagram. That’s why every slideshow has an option for Story. Short and eye-catching intro for your brand.
Encourage your Audience to take the next step:
Also, each Slideshow includes “Call To Action” Button which helps convert your audience into customers. Instagram Slideshow Pack is a powerful social media marketing tool.
Choose from six explosive slideshow layouts:
This Pack includes 6 vertical, portrait and square slideshow:
Rhythmic Opener (1/6)
Stomp Rhythmic Opener is exceptional and stylish After Effects template. This project with a stylish and eye-catching design, modern text animations, and trendy transitioning effects.
Short Opener (2/6)
Stomp Short Intro is an exceptional and stylish After Effects template. Get funky and fresh with this Short Intro. We’ve used cool and modern text animations and vibrant colors for a fun, youthful look.
Glitch Opener (3/6)
This bold and modern promo is striking and effective! Let your audience immerse themselves in this eye-catching, bright, and stylish promo. Add a splash of color and trendy title animations that are unique, creative, and stand-out.
Stylish Opener (4/6)
Stylish Opener is an exceptional and clean After Effects template. This animation gives an added punch to keywords to really drive your message home. Clean and simple as not to take away from your images, but still noticeable and eye-catching.
Dynamic Opener (5/6)
We’ve used cool and modern text animations and vibrant colors for a fun, youthful look. Get your groove on and capture the attention of viewers with this modern and clever template. Perfect for a fashion line or show.
Clean Opener (6/6)
Clean and simple as not to take away from your images, but still noticeable and eye-catching. This template makes use of thin outlines, mimicking the text to give it a subtle extra pop to grab your viewer’s attention.
Совместимость: After Effects
Размер: 300.9 mb
Instagram Opener Pack
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«В нашем блоге на Boosty вы найдете много крутых вещей, которые было очень сложно достать на просторах интернета. Такой контент я называю «Эксклюзив», ибо его практически нигде не скачать в Ру или СНГ регионе. Даже на зарубежных площадках не везде можно найти данные ништяки «
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Что дает подписка?
— Подписка даёт доступ (ссылку) к скачиванию всех «Эксклюзивов» с Google Drive за 250 рублей.
Как я смогу скачать?
— Достаточно будет перейти по ссылке или использовать любой другой софт с помощью которого можно скачивать файлы из Google Drive. В некоторых случаях я использую AirExplorer, что и вам советую.
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Я не нашел, что искал, но почему то уверен, что вы сможете найти!
Милости просим с нами связаться через Телеграм — @joydead или https://t.me/joyeditor